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2927000085 - C,C’-Azodi(formamide) (CAS RN 123-77-3) with:
- a pH of 6,5 or more but not more than 7,5, and
- a semicarbazide (CAS RN 57-56-7) content of not more than 1 500 mg/kg as determined by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS),
- decomposition temperature range of 195 °C - 205 °C,
- specific gravity 1,64 – 1,66, and
- combustion heat 215 - 220 Kcal/molHarmonized System Codes, Taric Code, HS Code, HTS Code, Harmonized Commodity Description, Commodity Codes, Classification of goods, Tariff Nomenclature, Customs Tariff Number, Tariff Classification.